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05 April 2012

Reading through the end of March 2012

Here is what I have read so far this year.  Almost 30 books under the belt.  Perhaps 120 this year?  Doubtful. All of the art in this post is by the very talented Michael Sowa.  His work can be found here.

2012 reading

The yellow Dog by Georges Simenon
Voltaire’s calligrapher by Pablo de Santis
A man’s place by Annie Ernaux
A History of the world in 100 objects by Neil MacGregor
The Seamstress and the Wind by Cesar Aira
Captain Bligh’s Portable Nightmare by John Toohey
420 Characters by Lou Beach
The Third Reich by Roberto Bolano
The Trees in Winter by D.E. Sievers
Prince Henry the Navigator by P.E. Russell


Bligh by Anne Salmond
Hector and the Search for Happiness  by  Francois Lelard
Three Trapped Tigers  by  G. Cabrera Infante
Selected Stories  by  William Trevor
A Brief History of Thought by  Luc Ferry
The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas  by  J. M. Machado de Assis
The Monsters  by  Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
The Housekeeper and the professor  by  Yoko Ogawa
Writers gone Wild   by  Bill Peschel


Gustave Caillebotte: Urban impressionist by various authors
The Armies by Evelio Rosero
Varamo by Cesar Aira
Never Any End to Paris by Enrique Vila-Matas
How Literature Works: 50 key concepts  by  John Sutherland
True Lies: Narrative Self-Consciousness in the Contemporary Spanish Novel by Samuel Amago
Rosebud: the story of Orson Welles by David Thomson
Terrestrial Intelligence  edited by  Barbara Epler


Quiet  by  Susan Cain
My Two Worlds  by  Sergio Chejfec

 Next time, a post about the passing of Antonio Tabucchi, a true loss to literature.

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